Being sick in Uganda is no fun.
I woke up yesterday morning with a sore throat. I popped some Advil and later some Tylenol cold but I didn’t think too much of it. Throughout the day I continued to feel worse and worse. By evening I was feeling quite sick. I did not sleep well last night even with the miracle drug (Nyquil). This morning I was feeling very poor. My tonsils were so swollen they were nearly toughing and they were covered in little bumps. I had a fever of 99.8, a migraine headache, and I couldn’t keep food down. With the encouragement of Becca I stayed in bed and slept until about one in the afternoon. I had a couple of visits from the workers here who prayed for me and Becca brought me some tea and buttered bread. I also kept taking Tylenol cold and around one I was feeling better. It is so hot here that it has been quite hard for me to sleep. I think that was one of the reasons that I got sick so quickly. I also have been spending a lot of time with the kids and I know that some of them have colds. I think that because I am not used to the cold bugs here I just caught it easily. I am still not back to 100% so I would really appreciate your prayers for healing!
For some better news the Baby’s home got a new baby yesterday. It is a boy probably around two months old. He has not been given a name yet. I just saw him for the first time this morning. He is so tiny and fragile looking but he is beautiful. I am sure that he is in good hands here and will soon be healthy and growing well.
Last night Becca and I attended a showing of the first match of the world cup. The match was used as an outreach to the community. It was shown at Gaba community church which is ARMs main church. There were probably about four hundred people who attended. It was so much fun to experience the game in this setting. The church was very hot and no one wears deodorant here so it smelled of body odor. When South Africa scored the whole place went crazy. People jumped around and screamed. During half time there was a hip-hop dance performance and a mini concert. Then Apollo (Michael’s older brother) shared the gospel and invited people to trust Jesus. I believe that people were saved that night. Becca and I had ridden the taxi by ourselves to the church but since it was dark by the time we left Michael rode with us to make sure we got home safely.
I also got to see my friend Andrew for a couple of minutes. Andrew has been in Uganda since May 14th. We hardly talked because he had been up the whole night before riding back in a bus from Rwanda. But it was fun to see a familiar face.
Tomorrow Becca and I have been asked to share a lesson with a Sunday school class after church. It is a class of mostly older kids from Senior 4 and 5 I believe. So they are ages 14-18. I have been given the choice about whether I want to share my testimony or teach about a topic. I am not sure what I am going to do yet so I would really appreciate your prayers for guidance.
I think that is all for now. I am going to try to get a little more rest.
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