Saturday, July 17, 2010

Back in Kampala

I arrived back in Kampala on Wednesday afternoon and made my way to Coryn's house. It feels so good to be back in familiar territory. I really loved my time with Pennie but it was also very draining.

I spent most of my days hanging out around the house. I really enjoyed helping to prepare meals and spending time with the family. The hard thing was that most of the people around didn't speak much english at all. I was generally left out of conversations and just sat alone with my thoughts. I would love to be able to speak the language and communicate but it was a little frustrating not to be able to very much.

I was also drained by the fact that there were always people around. During my whole stay I think the longest I was ever left alone was about 30 minutes. I usually need some time alone everyday to recharge and feel good.

Overall I loved my experience! The family included me in everything which was wonderful. I kept thinking that if I had my own space or knew the language it would have been really perfect. I loved getting to know the little girl who I have been praying for and supporting for 4 years.

For the next 3 weeks I will be with Coryn and experiencing many things with her. I will hopefully be going to stay with friends of hers in Bombo and Gulu. I will be going to see people working with Invisible Children, Crochet Kids, 31 Bits and Remnant. I will hopefully be getting experience, understanding and ideas for the future.

I would appreciate prayers for guidance for my future. I am really unsure about what God is leading me to do. I believe that God may be leading me to work with my friends new organization and help it get started. I would really just appreciate everyone's prayers.

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